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What’s the difference between Infrared Thermometer and Thermal Imager?

Let’s start this off with a fun trivia: did you know that a former musician turned astronomer by the name of Sir William Herschel did an experiment using prisms and thermometers to measure the room’s ambient temperature? The amazing thing is, his experiments provided very strong evidence on the discovery of infrared radiation and were the first piece of the puzzle that others later built on.

Due to innovation, gone are the days when we have to use prisms plus thermometers to measure temperature, we have Fluke Infrared thermometers to do the trick! Electricians not only in the Philippines, but around the world use this handy tool to detect and fix electrical issues.

Image from

But there’s also a frontrunner in measuring temperature from a distance. Thermal imagers are handheld electronic devices with an integrated visual display, designed for detecting heat energy.

They sound the same right, but what’s the difference between these devices?

Infrared thermometers Vs. Thermal Imagers

Looking at the definition, it seems like these two devices are the same. That may be true, because they’re both non-contact devices, but there’s a huge difference.

Let’s take a look at several factors:

FactorInfrared ThermometerThermal Imagers
SpeedTakes a one-by-one approach in screening subjectsBest suited to rapid screening places like large businesses Screens subjects all at once
PriceCheaper than thermal imagersExpensive
FunctionalityMore prone to measurement errorsProvides more accurate results in a wider range

Looking at some of these factors, it really depends on your purpose. If you’re using it for small places, you should just get the infrared thermometer. But if you need to scan a wider place, with a lot more people, the thermal imager is your guy.

Devices like these two are really in-demand since we’re going through a pandemic. Who knew that these tools originally designed for electrical use would deem very helpful during these times?

The question is, what’s the best infrared thermometer or thermal imager here in the Philippines? If you’re looking to invest, Fluke is one of the best brands out there.

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